Deforestation paragraph For class 6,7,8,9,12 HSC SSC

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Deforestation paragraph

Deforestation refers to the indiscriminate cutting down of vegetation over large areas. This is the exact opposite concept of plantation. In a word, deforestation is the destruction of trees and plants in our environment. People cut trees to create farmland, build houses, create pastures or set up factories. It has many negative effects on our environment and life. Deforestation destroys the ecological balance of our environment and life.

Many species of birds and animals have already become extinct due to deforestation and many of them are threatened with extinction. Deforestation causes insufficient rainfall and lack of rainfall creates long-term drought. Such a drought can turn an entire country into a desert. Moreover, deforestation also disrupts our agricultural productivity. In fact, our environment is becoming uninhabitable as a result of deforestation. However, there is a way to save ourselves and our environment from destruction;

And that is we should start a mass campaign for plantation. That is why we should create awareness among the common people about the negative aspects of deforestation and the importance of plantation. My suggestion in this regard is that every month we should plant at least one tree and if we cut one tree we should sow three. I think everyone, men and women, old and young should come forward and plant at least one tree to save our existence.

Deforestation paragraph

Deforestation paragraph
Deforestation paragraph
Planting is the planting of trees. Trees are our true friends. There are very few friends in the world who do us favors without interest. But the tree is also a friend. We get the oxygen we need to survive from trees. The carbon dioxide we emit is harmful to the environment. Trees protect our environment by absorbing carbon-dioxide.

In summer when it is very hot all around, one can find absolute tranquility under the tree. We get food from trees. Trees are also needed to maintain the temperature of the environment. Excessive deforestation causes climate change. Untimely rains, droughts etc. are seen. So we all need to plant more trees. The necessity of plantation should be understood by all.

For this, public-private and private plantations need to be emphasized. We should vow that if we kill a tree, at least two will be planted there.

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deforestation paragraph for class 9-10

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