Victory day paragraph of Bangladesh For JSC/SSC/HSC 250 word

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Victory day paragraph

In 1971 Bangladesh gained independence with a brutal war against Pakistan. Bangladesh was known as East Pakistan at that time, and it was a part or province of the mainland Pakistan. Pakistan got independence in 1947 from British rule and Bangladesh got independence on 16 December 1971. 16 December is “Victory Day” of Bangladesh. It is observed in our country on 16th December every year. The Pakistani army surrendered on 16 December and that’s why this date is called the victory day of Bangladesh. It is a national holiday.


It is the most memorable day in the history of our country. After a nine-month-long bloody battle and three million martyrs, we won the victory on this day. The Pakistani Army was compelled to surrender, and the Bangladesh occupied a place in the world map as an independent country. In every year we observe this day with due solemnity. In this day we remember the supreme sacrifice of the patriotic heroic sons who have laid down their lives for the motherland and we pay glowing tribute to their departed souls.


All of the schools and colleges arrange so many types of festivals. Peoples offers flowers to the National Monument at Savar. Meetings, seminars, symposiums, discussions and some other programs are held on this day by different government and non-government organizations. Students participate in debates, dances, music, and sports competitions. Then they arrange prize-giving ceremony on this day.


The teacher shares the glorious story of independence on this day to their students. Victory day is a day of great joy, hope, and inspirations for the future generation. This significant day will remain ever fresh and evergreen in the heart of each and every Bangladeshi people.

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Victory day paragraph
Victory day paragraph


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