Food adulteration paragraph For HSC and SSC Exam 2022

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Food adulteration paragraph

Food adulteration has become a dangerous problem in our country now a days. The people of urban and rural areas are not exempt from this problem. Generally, food adulteration means the mixing of low-quality, harmful and unnecessary substances with food. Unscrupulous traders adulterate food out of their profit motive. People’s lives are being threatened. Although food adulteration is a reprehensible and heinous crime, almost all food is adulterated today.


type of food As artificial colors to increase brightness, sand, gravel, water are mixed to increase weight. Food adulteration is generally accomplished in two ways. For example- 1. Inadvertently or unintentionally, 2. Deliberately or in the hope of gaining more profit. Unintentional food adulteration is not as harmful. But deliberate adulteration is seriously harmful. The most dangerous aspect of intentional adulteration is the addition of chemicals to food. All the chemicals that are usually mixed in food as adulterants are artificial colors, amylam, cain sundar, urea, formalin, calcium carbide, ethepen etc.


We all are more or less affected by the destructive activities of adulteration that are going on in Bangladesh today. Usually, the fruits that we eat, such as bananas, grapes, apples, mangoes, pineapples, almost all contain chemicals or poisons. Again, cooking food, such as fish-meat-vegetables and even milk or dairy sweets are being mixed with adulterants and chemicals. The situation is such that the consumer knows that the food product is adulterated with chemicals, yet he buys it.


Because there is no other way for him at the moment. As a result, junk food is destroying our kidneys and liver little by little. In this almost helpless condition we sigh, surrendering our fate to fate. This curse of food adulteration needs to be eradicated soon. And for that, a concerted effort of the government and the people of the country is needed.

Food adulteration paragraph

Food adulteration paragraph
Food adulteration paragraph

food adulteration paragraph for hsc
food adulteration paragraph for hsc 200 words
food adulteration paragraph 150 words

food adulteration paragraph 200 words
food adulteration paragraph hsc
food adulteration paragraph for ssc

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