paragraph early marriage For JSC/SSC and HSC Exam 300

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paragraph early marriage

paragraph on early marriage

Early marriage is a social disease of our country. It is spread in various parts of our society. Early marriage means the marriage of a boy and a girl before reaching puberty. In villages and urban slums, girls from extremely poor families are married off before the age of 15. All these families. Parents are unable to afford the food and education of their daughters. Moreover, in the current socio-economic context, parents are worried about the marriage of their daughters.


Superstitions, social and religious norms, discriminatory attitudes towards girls, misconceptions about women’s education are also responsible for child marriage. Child marriage can break their health. As a result, they suffer from malnutrition, anemia, self-destruction, insomnia, loss of appetite and other ailments. They age quickly. Their health conditions lead to the birth of vulnerable babies with various complications, which can lead to serious consequences for both the mother and the newborn.


So this destructive practice should be stopped. No girl child can be given in marriage before 18 years and no boy child before 21 years. Parents involved in child marriage should be punished. To encourage female education and discourage child marriage, our government has taken some positive steps, such as providing scholarships to girls, hiring more female teachers, etc. Along with the government, everyone should come forward to remove the evil of early marriage from the society.
paragraph early marriage

early marriage paragraph

Early marriage is the practice of marrying off girls before they reach adulthood. Basically if a girl is married off before attaining physical and mental maturity then it is considered as child marriage. The law prohibits the marriage of girls under the age of 18 and boys under the age of 21 in Bangladesh. But many parents do not follow this law regarding marriage. Early marriage is the most common aspect in rural areas. Illiterate and poor girls are victims of child marriage.


Poverty, illiteracy, superstition and gender inequality are the main causes of child marriage. Girls in Bangladesh are born into a hostile or unwelcoming environment. Poor parents think that a girl child has come into the world to add to their misery, they consider a girl child a burden. The main concern of those parents is to get the girls married off quickly. Child marriage creates many problems in the society. A young girl who goes to her husband’s house at an immature age faces a hostile environment. As a child she cannot adapt herself in the new environment as well as new responsibility.


She is often subjected to insults, abuse and physical abuse. She becomes a mother before attaining physical maturity. As a result, she and her children suffer from various diseases including malnutrition. Many girls also die due to premature childbirth. So we need to create public awareness to prevent child marriage. Laws against child marriage must be strictly enforced. This problem can be solved by educating girls. Awareness can be raised by holding meetings about fair enforcement of laws and early marriage

paragraph early marriage
paragraph early marriage

paragraph early marriage

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early marriage paragraph 200 words
early marriage paragraph 150 words
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কম্পিউটার কাকে বলে। কম্পিউটরের প্রকারভেদ
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paragraph early marriage

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