paragraph physical exercise For class 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10;

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paragraph physical exercise

Any physical activity that increases the fitness of every part of the body and overall health is called exercise. Modern age is the age of science. New and modern inventions of science have greatly reduced the scope of human manual labor. As a result, the need for physical exercise is very high nowadays. Because physical activity and every part of the body cannot be kept healthy and dynamic, the muscle strength will eventually deteriorate.


As a result, life is filled with pain and suffering. Regular physical activity increases physical mobility and helps to get rid of disease progression. Exercise keeps the internal organs of the body such as heart, liver, kidney, pancreas and other endocrine glands dynamic and balanced in the flow of hormones and increases immunity. As a result, it keeps people free from diseases like heart disease, asthma, diabetes and physical obesity.


It also improves mental health and helps people to be free from depression and anxiety. Obesity in children is also a growing concern in today’s world. Efforts are being made to solve this problem through exercise in developed countries. To live well in life, people have to do a lot of physical and mental effort to make life successful. This work is possible only for people with healthy body and mind.


In order to have a successful life, what Rabindranath said is the need – “I want speech, I want health, joy-brilliant love, courage-wide bosom. As a result, there is no alternative to exercise. The necessity of physical exercise for the development of the society and the country by making oneself healthy and strong is undeniable.

paragraph physical exercise

physical exercise paragraph

importance of physical exercise paragraph
physical exercise paragraph for class 8
physical exercise paragraph in 150 words
physical exercise paragraph for class 6

physical exercise paragraph for class 7
physical exercise paragraph for class 9
physical exercise paragraph class 8
physical exercise paragraph 200 words

physical exercise paragraph for class 10
importance of physical exercise paragraph for class 6

Physical exercise paragraph
Physical exercise paragraph

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