paragraph aim in life or aim in life paragraph 200,300 word

paragraph aim in life

paragraph aim in life my aim in life paragraph Everyone should have their own goals in life to be successful. Aim is the object of life. It is more than mere desire. It is a career choice that a person strives to pursue throughout life. I also have goals in my life. I like to be a good doctor – …

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a farmer paragraph or life of a farmer paragraph for all class

a farmer paragraph

a farmer paragraph 01 A farmer is a person engaged in agriculture, growing crops for food or raw materials. In our country maximum of the farmers are poor and they have not enough own land to cultivate. So they have to cultivate in other’s land. His and his family’s survival depended on the crops of the land and much on …

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paragraph global warming and green house effect paragraph All class

paragraph global warming

paragraph global warming Greenhouse effect and deforestation are the biggest causes behind global warming. Earth is a beautiful place for humans, but its temperature is rising day by day. It is called ‘Global Warming’. That means the whole world is warming. This Global Warming does not bode well for the future. According to experts, carbon dioxide levels continue to rise …

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load shedding paragraph For class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

load shedding paragraph

load shedding paragraph In modern century electricity is the blessing of our civilization. But currently excessive load-shedding has largely dampened the contribution of electricity. Load shedding is suspending the supply of electricity for a period of time. Now a days in our country it become an incidental problem. Load shedding occurs for various reasons. .. Inadequate generation of electricity is …

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A winter morning paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC 250-300 word

A winter morning paragraph

A winter morning paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC Bangladesh is a diverse country with six seasons. The six seasons include winter after autumn and before spring. Winter comes after the fall of trees and winter leaves with the new leaves of spring. A different form of nature in this land of winter, which captures the winter morning perfectly. There are opportunities to …

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paragraph on book fair For all class 250-300 word

paragraph on book fair

paragraph on book fair book fair paragraph Book fair is a fascinating place where different collection of books are stored for sale within a short period of time. Nowadays it has become quite popular. Every year many book fairs are organized in different places in our country. The two major book fairs held in our country are Amar Ekushe Book …

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paragraph tree plantation For JSC/SSC/HSC 250,300 word

paragraph tree plantation

paragraph tree plantation 01 Plantation is another name for planting trees. Trees are very important to life. Our existence is unimaginable without trees. The use of plant in our daily life is very essential. We need oxygen to survive. Plants provide us with this oxygen. It gives us food and fruits. From fruits we get food. We get wood from …

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