paragraph dengue fever 200 word for HSC/ SSC/JSC

paragraph dengue fever

Dengue is a viral disease which is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito . The “Aedes” mosquito is the culprit. This disease is more common in tropical countries like ours. The main culprit “Aedes” mosquitoes breed in stagnant freshwater and rainwater. Water collects in flower pots, damaged tires, drains, waste plastic bags and bottles around our homes. Many times I see water accumulated on the roof of the building.

Dengue causes chronic high-grade fever, red rash all over the body, severe pain around, inside or behind the eyes, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and muscle pain. There are two types of dengue.These are classic dengue and dengue hemorrhagic. Generally, recovery from classic dengue is more rapid, but the number of platelets in dengue hemorrhagic blood decreases, leading to bleeding, organ failure, or even death. There is no vaccine against dengue. So prevention is very important.


We have to keep our house clean so that water does not accumulate in flower pots, vases, tires etc. Besides, you have to protect yourself from mosquito bites. So we should always wear pants, long sleeves and socks and use mosquito nets while sleeping. Above all, if the fever persists for a few days, it is better to consult our doctor.

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paragraph dengue fever
paragraph dengue fever

dengue fever paragraph 200 words
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